International School of Engineering (INSOFE)
International School of Engineering (INSOFE) was launched in 2011 with an aim to transform the applied engineering education space in India with current focus area as Big Data Analytics / Data Science. The vision of INSOFE is to be the best place in the world for students and working professionals to learn Applied Engineering.
INSOFE is the only institute in Asia, the analytics programs of which are certified by the prestigious Language Technologies Institute (LTI) of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), USA for the quality of content, pedagogy and assessment.
INSOFE's 23-weekend program (PGP) in Big Data Analytics certification features in the list of '19 big data certifications that will pay off' which has been published by the American IT magazine It is the only institute from India to feature in this list. With this, INSOFE features in the league of similar certifications from prestigious universities like Stanford and Columbia.
INSOFE does high-end consulting globally for product, consulting and services companies in various domains, helping them build their Centres of Excellence in the space of Big Data and Analytics.
Consulting Start-Ups & Entrepreneurs
HACKTIV8 adalah pionir program pelatihan (coding bootcamp) intensif selama 12 minggu di Jakarta yang mengubah pemula menjadi seorang Full-Stack Developer andal.
Para lulusan HACKTIV8 dijamin menguasai kemampuan membangun aplikasi web menggunakan JavaScript mulai dari Front-End hingga Back-End. Materi yang diberikan mulai dari pengenalan JavaScript, pembuatan layout web menggunakan HTML CSS, pemrograman Back-End menggunakan NodeJS, hingga penggunaan React, Redux dan React Native.