Developing educational softwares
GBG Delhi Chapter
Google Business Groups (GBG) is a community of business professionals sharing knowledge about Internet technologies for business success.
At GBG Delhi, we have a simple mission:
Connect: To facilitate connections between business professionals, entrepreneurs, SME's and anyone interested in Google products to become more successful in their business through the use of Google web technologies
Inform: To create a self-sustaining platform where people can share and seek knowledge that will help add value to their business
Inspire: To build a forum where people share ideas and network with like minded individuals from the business and technology world
GBG Delhi would organize social gatherings, workshops, online hangouts, larger events and other activities to achieve our stated vision. Connect with us on our official G+ page at:
Please click here if you are interested to know more about Google Business Groups:
Disclaimer: The Delhi GBG is an independent user group with an interest in Google technology for business and the content from this group is entirely independent from Google, the corporation.
We make it possible for anyone to give credit and reputation to their own self-directed learning.
Gara International Sdn Bhd
Gara International Sdn Bhd is a professional training and consulting company committed to creating value through leadership and talents, strategic HR, and unlocking workforce potential. Our firm acts as a central hub for management services for your corporate solutions towards capability development via the assistance of training, consultancy and business advisory.
Ms Cat TV
Ms Cat is changing the entertainment landscape and providing opportunities for actors, directors and producers outside of traditional film and plays. Recognizing the emergence of a new generation of local talent, helping them attract the spotlight.
Ms Cat is an innovator who is leveraging both traditional channels and new media (online and mobile) to distribute her content, and as an African-American woman who is creating opportunities in an industry filled with rejection and closed doors.
Ms Cat is a local TV producer and film maker (based out of Houston); leveraging her talent and innovation to not only create opportunities for herself, but to also showcase and cultivate budding new talent, and help them to capitalize on this exciting new movement.
Ms Cat is well known for showcasing local musicians and business owners and giving emerging talent a voice. Stay connected as her programming lineup expands and to see what’s next for the “media mogul in the making.”