Quest IRA
Quest IRA administers IRAs for the purpose of investing in “alternative” investments, including real estate, notes, oil and gas, and private placements, just to name a few of the almost endless investment possibilities. All of the accounts offered at Quest IRA are self-directed, meaning you get to make the decisions and our staff will provide expert account administration and transaction support services. We like to say that our best clients are the most educated clients, so in an effort to help you make the best investment decisions, we offer several educational weekly classes in our offices and online. In addition, each month Quest holds many presentations, workshops and seminars across the U.S. to educate people and allow for excellent networking opportunities.
Spaces to Start, Rooms to Grow
Whether you are looking for a space for yourself, your team of 5, or hundreds of your employees, we got you covered. Located in Jakarta, Tangerang, and Medan's strategic locations, our beautiful spaces are designed to enhance productivity and embrace communities.