
MoPed Marketing Professionals




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Not Specified

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Financials Beta

Business Model: Not Specified

Revenues: Not Specified

Expenses: Not Specified

Debt: Request

Operating Status: Active

Funding Raised: $0

Investment Rounds: 0 Rounds

Funding Stage: Not Specified

Last Funding Date: Not Specified

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Is MoPed Marketing Professionals currently hiring?

No, MoPed Marketing Professionals is currently not hiring.

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Which country is MoPed Marketing Professionals headquartered in?

MoPed Marketing Professionals is based in New Zealand.

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Financial risk assessment


Percona is a leader in providing best-of-breed enterprise-class support, consulting, managed services, training and software for MySQL®, MariaDB®, MongoDB®, PostgreSQL and other open source databases in on-premises and cloud environments. An unbiased, trusted partner, Percona provides single-source expertise in multi-vendor environments that eliminates lock-in, increases agility and enables business growth. Our services and software accommodate rapid growth and application development, help you develop and deploy agile solutions and improve your ability to keep up with customer needs. With Percona open source database expertise your business can avoid downtime and outages, meet expected customer experience, foster operational and developer collaboration and manage enterprise risks through sound database architecture frameworks. Percona was founded in August 2006 by Peter Zaitsev and Vadim Tkachenko and now employs a global network of experts with a staff of over 170+ people. Our large and diverse customer list boasts one of the highest renewal rates in the business. Our expertise is visible in our widely read Percona Database Performance blog and our book High Performance MySQL. By purchasing tickets for any Percona Event, you are consenting for Eventbrite to share your information. Percona may use company names to give examples of attendees who attend our events. No personal information is shared publicly for this reason. 

Pareto SG

Pareto International Holding Ltd is your trusted global development partner, combing professional expertise with deep entrepreneurial roots, our immense global network endeavours to deliver bespoke investment solutions for our clients.

Centre for Strategic and International Studies

The Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Jakarta is an independent, non-profit organisation focusing on policy-oriented studies on domestic and international issues. It was established in 1971. Our mission is to contribute to improved policy making through policy-oriented research, dialogue, and public debate. This is based on the belief that long-term planning and vision for Indonesia and the region must be based on an in-depth understanding of economic, political, and social issues, including regional and international developments. CSIS research and studies are channeled in various forms as independent input to government, universities and research institutions, civil society organizations, media, and business. CSIS undertakes research in economics, politics and social change, and international relations, with topics selected on the basis of their relevance to public policy. Inter-disciplinary studies are encouraged. In the area of foreign policy, CSIS research is complemented and strengthened by its relations with an extensive network of research, academic, and other organizations worldwide.


BEAMSTART is a global entrepreneurship community, serving as a catalyst for innovation and collaboration. With a mission to empower entrepreneurs, we offer exclusive deals with savings totaling over $1,000,000, curated news, events, and a vast investor database. Through our portal, we aim to foster a supportive ecosystem where like-minded individuals can connect and create opportunities for growth and success.

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