Built In Colorado
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Nation Builders Organisation
NATION BUILDERS ORGANISATION, with SPECIAL CONSULTATIVE STATUS WITH UN, is built based on the validity of what human minds can achieve when properly channeled and utilized in a growing nation like ours. It was founded based on the sole aim of nation building, which is her citizens: Them understanding fully that our future and that of this great nation depends on its youth.Set to inspire, motivate and re-educate: building role models worthy of emulation, giving this generation a first-class mentality, making them think positively, proactively and harnessing their God given potential in RIGHTLY. Realizing that the future we strive for starts now, we are doing our best for change as Mahatma Gandhi once said, ‘Be the change you want the world to be’.
BYU Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology
With a perennial top 10 nationally ranked and recognized entrepreneurship program, the Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology at BYU believes everyone can leverage the skills of innovation and entrepreneurship in their chosen profession. The Center is built upon the foundation of four pillars: Mentoring, Curriculum, Competitions, and Networking and Events (Clubs/Orgs). The Center is also home to the first and largest International Business Model Competition.
We lead in developing responsible entrepreneurs of faith and character
Prepare men and women of faith and character to be world-class leaders in entrepreneurship and innovation, to facilitate life-changing mentorship between learners and successful role models, and to promote and support relevant faculty research
Born to Create