The Show Producers
The Show Producers is a New York City based Film, Theatre & Live Events Production Company that produces Small Business Expo (currently hosted in 15 Major US cities).
If you would like to Sponsor or Exhibit your company at one of our upcoming events, please call us at (212)404-2345 or visit us online at
PSE Market Education Department
The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) is the only stock exchange in the Philippines. It is one of the oldest stock exchanges in Asia, having been in continuous operation since the establishment of the Manila Stock Exchange in 1927. Its trading floor and offices are currently located at its new headquarters at the PSE Tower, 5th Avenue corner 28th Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. The main index for PSE is the PSEi, which is composed of a fixed basket of thirty (30) listed companies. The PSEi measures the relative changes in the free float-adjusted market capitalization of the 30 largest and most active common stocks listed at the PSE. The selection of companies in the PSEi is based on a specific set of public float, liquidity and market capitalization criteria. There are also six sector-based indices as well as a broader all shares index. Trading in the PSE is a continuous session from 9:30AM to 3:30PM daily with a recess from 12:00PM to 1:30PM.
BSPIN has been active since 1992 with the support of individuals and organizations in Bangalore.
BSPIN’s Mission is to help the Indian Software industry to achieve breakthrough in software quality and productivity by active practice enabled by collaborations, learning, sharing and innovating from the practitioners’ level.
BSPIN provides a forum where software professionals come together to share ideas on software process improvement which would benefit all participating organizations. BSPIN is a registered Society, not-for-profit organization.