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Product School

Product School

Founded in 2014, Product School is the world’s first technology business school. We provide certified courses in Product Management, Data Analytics, Coding, Digital Marketing and Blockchain to professionals across 15 campuses worldwide. In addition to on-site campuses, we also offer the same courses, live online. Both on-site and online courses are taught by real-world product managers who work at top technology companies such as Google, Facebook, PayPal, Airbnb, LinkedIn and Netflix. Unlike traditional MBA programs designed for students seeking roles within the finance and consulting fields, Product School’s curriculum is highly relevant for the next generation of technology leaders, with classes offered at a fraction of the cost. The curriculum is designed to fit into work schedules with small classes held in the evenings or on weekends to ensure that both instructors and students can maintain their full-time jobs. Expect a healthy mix of hands-on projects, group exercises, case studies, panel discussions and a variety of other forums to teach you how to lead cross-functional teams and build digital products from end to end. We also prepare students for product management interviews and enable them to expand their professional network through access to a private community of thousands of people; including alumni, mentors and hiring managers from top technology companies. Product School also offers custom corporate training programs for Fortune 500 companies seeking to advance the product management skill sets of their existing teams or onboard new talent. Committed to building the largest product management community, Product School has published the Amazon’s best-selling book The Product Book, runs The Product Awards ceremony and ProductCon, a multi-city product management conference.



 槟城华人企业商会的标志,由五条不同色彩的简洁线纹构成, 这五个色彩象徵着不同的意义, 同时也呼应着我们商会的精神。 孙子兵法〈始计篇〉有云,将领须具备五大品德素养, 将者,知 丶信丶仁丶勇丶严也。  我们以五个颜色,把该五德转化为现代企业领袖的特质: •黄:正念(乐观)•红:热忱(动力)•紫:智慧(理解) •蓝:自信(信心)•绿:活力(朝气)   我会於未来发展,将会竭力打造健全的学习平台, 好让会员培养上述五项领袖应有的特质。  

Women in Product

Women in Product

Women in Product ( is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing diversity and inclusion in product management. Founded by senior women product leaders in Silicon Valley, Women in Product's mission is to educate, empower, and create a global community of women product managers to build impactful products at scale.



We provide online tutoring services

Asia pacific Group

Asia pacific Group

Immigration Consultants In Australia



Business Coach, Investment Support, Business Consultancy

Flagger Online

Flagger Online

Flagger Training Certification

Allison Lew

Allison Lew

Founder of Braid Workshop for Women Entrepreneurs, Co-founder of Provo Girls Summit, and Main Organizer for Women Who Build. 



Provide answers to the curiosity of K-12 students

She Loves Data

She Loves Data

The SheLovesData movement was born out of belief, that women have many talents, virtues and lots of value to bring to the table when it comes to data, technology, and analytics. Our signature “Introduction to Data Analytics” workshop provides women from all walks of life the opportunity to learn the very basics of data analytics from experts, no experience required, with the aim to encourage more women to consider a career in data analytics, where diversity is so needed!  



To Unite the Global Pets Community

CEB Network venture Pte Ltd

CEB Network venture Pte Ltd

Social business networking

German Educare

German Educare

Study in Germany

Bills N Co

Bills N Co

Fund Management

Globibo Pte Ltd

Globibo Pte Ltd

Conference Technology Company and International Language Service & Training Provider

Asia School of Business

Asia School of Business

  Asia School of Business (ASB) was established in 2015 by Bank Negara Malaysia in collaboration with MIT Sloan Management to be a premier global business school and knowledge and learning hub infused with regional expertise, insights and perspectives of Asia and the emerging economies. ASB is committed to developing transformative and principled leaders who will contribute towards advancing the emerging world. ASB offers a full-time MBA curriculum degree as its flagship program, that incorporates Action Learning projects with corporate and institutional partners across Asia, working on a broad range of real business challenges with the support of mentors, faculty experts and industry leaders. It also offers non-degreed executive education programs.The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (IEC) at ASB plays an active role to help develop entrepreneurship communities in Malaysia and the greater ASEAN region. To learn more visit

Himpunan Astronomi Amatir Jakarta

Himpunan Astronomi Amatir Jakarta

Sejak Planetarium dan Observatorium Jakarta resmi dibuka untuk umum pada tanggal 1 Maret 1969, animo masyarakat terutama di Jakarta terhadap Astronomi mulai tumbuh. Selang 1 dekade kemudian, penikmat astronomi semakin meningkat. Kebanyakan di antara mereka merasa kurang puas dengan materi yang disampaikan pada pertunjukan Planetarium, walaupun telah disediakan ragam informasi dengan adanya ruang pameran. Melihat fenomena tersebut, Kepala Planetarium dan Observatorium Jakarta saat itu, Drs. Darsa Sukartadiredja, mencoba untuk mengakomodir minat mereka dengan memprakarsai sebuah klub Astronomi Amatir bernama Himpunan Astronomi Amatir Jakarta (HAAJ) di mana Beliau menjabat sebagai pembinanya. HAAJ resmi berdiri 21 April 1984, beralamat di Planetarium dan Observatorium Jakarta. HAAJ sebagai binaan Planetarium dan Observatorium Jakarta menjadi tempat berkumpul dan belajar bagi para penggemar ilmu Astronomi yang berlandaskan hobby, bukan sebagai profesi ataupun dalam ranah profesional. Hal ini selaras dengan visi HAAJ, yaitu “Memasyarakatkan Ilmu Astronomi”. Sebut saja sebagai jembatan antara masyarakat awam dengan dunia/astronom profesional. Adapun secara teknis astronomis, HAAJ pun menjadi salah satu komunitas Astronomi yang menginduk dan menjadi anggota pada lembaga profesi Astronomi di Indonesia, yaitu Himpunan Astronomi Indonesia (HAI). Kegiatan yang dilakukan beragam, antara lain Pertemuan Rutin dwimingguan, Star Party (Kemah Bintang), Workshop (internal dan eksternal; untuk umum atau anggota), Astro Party (bekerjasama dengan Pusat Kebudayaan negara sahabat), Pekan Astronomi Jakarta (lomba astronomi), kesertaan dengan World Space Week yang dicanangkan PBB, dan banyak lagi.

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Our Companies Database is a user-friendly database to search, filter, and discover companies around the world by their industry, size, funding stage, and more.

How often is data of companies updated?

Data on companies in this database updates once every few weeks (on average once a month).

I've discovered an outdated/inaccurate company profile here. How do I report it?

If you spotted an outdated/inaccurate company profile, please do not hesitate to report it to us via the contact page here — our team will have it rectified within the day.
In normal instances, jobs older than 30 days are automatically flagged as 'expired' by the system.


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