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How do you get B2B leads effectively? What are some tips to successfully doing so?

Am looking to sell digital marketing services to companies, and keen to know how one gets qualified leads without breaking the bank on advertising.

Carl Adrian


1 Response

Wilson Twoon

Content Coordinator at Beamstart

I think one of the ways to get B2B leads is to show and advertise your metrics. It can be the amount of visitors and traffic you have gained or maintained, what are the demographics of your visitor. Conversion rates also play a big role which can be defined by how much would visitors can be converted to actual purchasers which is the end goal. These metrics would prove useful as more activity, interaction and traffic you would accumulate, a firm would seek that outlet as a marketing outlet. 

To drive more traffic, these are the steps that could prove useful if implemented: 

1) Diversify through various topics or fields
Let's take this example that you are covering news as a way to drive traffic, you should not be constraint to only cover general business news whereas you can dive into more niche areas. 

One of the examples would be Morning Brew Newsletters where they had branched out their newsletter to different editions such as marketing, human resource, tech and more. 

With more diversification, you would be able to attract different leads that may be interested. 

2) Venture into influencer marketing 

Influencer marketing can be considered a way to drive traffic. Especially with the virality of Tiktok and Gen Z's spending most of their free time online according to LinkedIn, influencers can be the bridge to connect brands with their followers and viewers. 

One of the examples would the collaboration between comedian Douglas Lim and Malaysia startup Carsome through their advertisements which has generated millions of views on Youtube. This is because Douglas Lim has a history of trending in social media which would acts as a marketing outlet. 

 To get started, here are some free sites to be considered: 

Hope this response proves beneficial to you.  

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