
Database of Gaming Companies

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Heroic Labs

Heroic Labs

Social Infrastructure for Games; Makers of Nakama game server, Satori…

Ramen VR

Ramen VR

XR + AI are the most fundamental computing shifts of the past century.We're using XR and AI to build products that empower creators of online games and virtual worlds.Meaningful games can change lives, and every game starts with its developers. We believe that game devs can change the world.‍We're a team of devs working on solving the hardest problems in game development. We previously built the #1 VR game Zenith: The Last City on Steam and Quest.We've raised $40m+ to date and have been working in stealth on our next game as well as tools that will shape the future of game development.



DreamWorld is “adult Minecraft” with generative AI.

DreamCraft Entertainment, Inc.

DreamCraft Entertainment, Inc.

Platform that allows anyone to create and monetize video games.



Voice AI games on smart speakers, TVs, and mobile



Making Anime Real

Gym Class - by IRL Studios

Gym Class - by IRL Studios

Play basketball in virtual reality



Cutting edge gaming peripherals

Streamline Studios

Streamline Studios

Video game development,

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this database?

Our Companies Database is a user-friendly database to search, filter, and discover companies around the world by their industry, size, funding stage, and more.

How often is data of companies updated?

Data on companies in this database updates once every few weeks (on average once a month).

I've discovered an outdated/inaccurate company profile here. How do I report it?

If you spotted an outdated/inaccurate company profile, please do not hesitate to report it to us via the contact page here — our team will have it rectified within the day.
In normal instances, jobs older than 30 days are automatically flagged as 'expired' by the system.


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