How many deals are there in the "Data & Analytics" category?
We currently have 24 deals in the "Data & Analytics" category.
How much can I potentially save from deals in the "Data & Analytics" category?
With a total of 24 deals in the "Data & Analytics" category, you are eligible up to $345,281 in savings.
What is the difference between a featured deal and a regular deal?
Featured deals are typically marked with the icon, which is used to represent deals of higher value.
I want to add my deal here, how do I go about doing so?
To add your deal to the list, simply create an account by becoming a member. Once you're signed in, you can easily add your deals to the list via the Member Portal.
Why are some deals "free" (available to everyone and not just members)
These are "sponsored deals", where the organization providing the deal has decided to offer it publicly and not just to BEAMSTART members.
I've spotted a deal that isn't available. How do I report it?
If you've spotted a problem or a deal that isn't available, kindly report it to us via the contact us page here.