South Korean artificial intelligence startup Waddle gearing up to reshape the online retail industry with artificial intelligence-powered interactive personal shopping assistant Gentoo.“We want people to think that a world without Gentoo is unimaginable,” Park Jihyuk, the chief executive officer of Waddle, Gentoo's developer, said in a recent interview with The Korea Economic Daily.“We aspire to completely transform the shopping experience by making it tremendously convenient and easy.”Gentoo, which hit the market in July 2023, is an AI personal shopping agent built and run based on multiple AI models, including large language models, to provide tailored product recommendations based on users’ queries to other online shoppers.
AI is in charge of this whole process.” Gentoo also backs multi-turn conversations, allowing it to recommend a product based on a record of previous conversations with the shopper, like a human shop assistant for a store patron.“Our goal is to offer users a personal shopping assistant like a veteran salesperson who can improve a purchase conversion rate on an e-commerce site,” said Park.“We want to develop a virtual store salesperson who can help online shoppers have pleasant shopping experiences and finally make them purchase products.” PARTNERSHIP WITH CAFE24Gentoo is offered as a software-as-a-service to individual merchants on online marketplaces.
During the pre-A round, Waddle raised 2 billion won from multiple Korean venture capital firms, including Kakao Ventures, Fast Ventures and its earlier backer BonAngels Venture Partners in the seed round.“We are on a mission to innovate the shopping journey,” said Park.“Changing someone’s shopping habits requires a deep understanding of someone’s taste, which can’t be achieved by technology alone.”“This is why we spend so much time and resources on data analysis.” Waddle is confident it can compete well with bigger global players in the AI agent market thanks to its expertise in conversational AI agent technology built since 2021, said Park.
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The story "AI agent Gentoo poised to revolutionize online shopping" was covered 7 hours ago by Korea Economic Daily, a news publisher based in South Korea.
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