These property cards are being distributed to beneficiaries across more than 50,000 villages in 10 states -- Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Mizoram, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and two Union Territories off Jammu & Kashmir, and Ladakh."Around 2.24 crore beneficiaries in villages will now have Svamitva property cards after 65 lakh cards are distributed today," the prime minister said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday distributed around 65 lakh Svamitva property cards, and said it will bolster economic activities and help in poverty alleviation.
Years ago, the United Nations had held a study, which revealed people did not have legal documents for property rights in several countries.
The story "PM Modi distributes 6.5 million 'Svamitva property' cards across 10 states" has 484 words across 71 sentences, which will take approximately 3 - 5 minutes for the average person to read.
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The story "PM Modi distributes 6.5 million 'Svamitva property' cards across 10 states" was covered 5 days ago by Business Standard, a news publisher based in India.
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Business Standard is a fully independent (privately-owned) news outlet established in 1975 that covers mostly business and finance news.
The outlet is headquartered in India and publishes an average of 282 news stories per day.
It's most recent story was published 2 hours ago.
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